Category: Uncategorized

Hi, 2023!

I realize I didn’t make a single post for all of 2023. So, I’ll just give a quick overview of what’s happened in my life in this year, in no particular order. I’m a dad now! My daughter Grace was born 9 June 2023 here in Thailand and she’s...

Zolai ABC Simbu (Tedim ABC Book)

My wife and I used Bloom by SIL and Bloom Library to create a simple ABC reader for Tedim. I created it on the basis of Tedim phonology for initials, rather than most readers which are just the English alphabet, containing letters not actually existent in Tedim phonology. The...

I have a persistence problem

Since I started this website a little over a week and a half ago, I’ve been expanding on it bit-by-bit. I intentionally decided to purchase a plan through DigitalOcean, costing around $5.00 USD a month. The hosting plan may seem like a bit much to those who have their...