Thanks to Stack Exchange, I have my PDF solution

A helpful user on Stack Exchange solved the problem from my previous post for me by creating a small bash script, which reads values from a CSV file and then replaces the matching values in the PDF with the new ones. Check it out: This script takes an input...

Fixing PDF bookmark locations

It’s been a while since I’ve attempted to code anything. After hours of trying to figure it out, I finally found a somewhat-working solution. Unfortunately, it’s not a one-stop-shop solution. Let me explain. The issue So, a very efficient way to try to write things is using Pandoc, which...

RIP Laoshu505000

I’m actually a couple of days late on posting this, but besser spät als nie, as they say. Moses “Laoshu” M. McCormick, polyglot and YouTuber from Akron, Ohio, has passed away due to heart complications, according to what his sister wrote on GoFundMe. This is very sad news, since...

Goodbye, MM Facebook

Well, it’s happened. I was surprised when my friend sent me this link claiming that Facebook and Messenger have been banned in Burma — from Facebook while I was at home. However, I knew from two days ago that the connection would be gradually disrupted, rather than taken out...

My ICSTLL Presentation

My ICSTLL presentation on Ngawn Chin‘s linguistic classification went very well. It was attended by some popular names in Kuki-Chin and Tibeto-Burman linguistics, such as Jim Matisoff, David Bradley, Lalnunthangi Chhangte, Zakaria Rehman, David Peterson, Pauthang Haokip, and Ken Van Bik (whose dissertation provided the proto-forms with which I...

Day 2 in Hpa-An (ဘားအံ)

Yesterday, I arrived in the city of Hpa-An (ဘားအံ), the capital city of Karen State, Burma. According to Wikipedia, the 2014 Census of Myanmar listed over 200,000 residents in its population. It’s a nice change from the hustle and bustle of Yangon and still more populous than Naypyidaw. It...

How I got my Google Scholar profile verified

Unfortunately, the neo-liberal age of ranking and statistics is affecting us all, including myself. We all want to be noticed and recognized and we thus give up a chunk of our freedom and privacy to do it. I see this dilemma for what it is and, while I don’t...

Finding inspiration to write about Linguistics again

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m trying to write a book and I often find myself “hiding from it”, as my former advisor used to say. I really want to write this book and I have no doubt that I will be able to write all 200+ pages required of...

ICSTLL53 Acceptance

Guess what? I just got the word that my abstract was accepted for presentation at the 53rd meeting of the International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics. This year marks the first time that the conference is being held virtually from the University of North Texas in Denton, TX....

Using git as a version controller for books (Part 1)

What’s git? Version control? Huh? Okay. So, let’s say that you’re a software programmer. It’s your job to write the code for this huge program and you need: A way to keep backups A way to manage files A way to restore previous edits Let’s say you’re collaborating with...